Summer is almost here, and it's easy to tell when I'm at a school. Most of the classrooms have started the decommission process. Student...

New Year, Same Me
I always love the New Year and the promises it brings. Around Christmastime, I start to look back on the year and what has happened. And...

Too Many Books???
While rearranging my room, I came to the realization that I have too many books and notebooks and pens.... Of course, that doesn't mean...

Check Lists
Well, it's summertime again. Summertime. I don't know why, but that word always seems to carry something more with it. Like Christmas....

Finding Home Again
So, after many, many corrections and a rough go at getting started, my BOOK is finally up for sale! I am so excited. Even got my first...

Gaining Speed
Kristy and I are SOOO excited for our Epic Road Trip--as we have dubbed the name. When we were planning it a couple months ago, I have to...

Summer (Day 16: NaNoWriMo Challenge)
Summer.... Just let the word sink in. I had my doubts as to whether it was ever going to get here. But it's here. Actually, since my last...

Day 10: NaNoWriMo Challenge
As the first week comes to a close, I've realized that there is so much I do. I mean, I never was one to just sit at home all day and do...
Day 1: NaNoWriMo Challenge
I’ve been working on my new story, and as always, I’ve hit that midpoint stall. Happens all the time. I was expecting it, really....

Catching Up
So...I know I said I was done with the book, but there were a few scenes that just kept nagging at me, so I went back one last time....